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ESSAYS On Knowledge Is Power Knowledge Is Pow er Essay: 1 Knowledge is power proverb is said by the Francis Bacon. ...

ESSAYS On Knowledge Is Power

Knowledge Is Power Essay: 1

Knowledge is power proverb is said by the Francis Bacon. Knowledge is power means; a person having more knowledge will be able to control circumstances in the life accordingly. Knowledge is power really means if one has complete knowledge, he/she can be more powerful in the world and do not require other things in life such as anyone’s help, friends, etc. Knowledge is a most strong tool provides power to people which cannot be defeated by other power on the earth. Knowledge provides social power to person holding certain power over those people who do not. Knowledge and power is a go together forever guy, help to address various difficulties in life. We can say that knowledge gives power and power gives knowledge.The real meaning of proverb ‘Knowledge is Power’ (said by the Francis Bacon) is, knowledge is truly a power and power of knowledge is almost everything. Actually, that is the knowledge which has distinguished the difference in man from animals. Human beings cannot compare animals in the physical power however have been counted as the most powerful creature on the earth just because of the power of knowledge.
Human beings are physically weaker than animals yet they have managed things for years to become the most powerful creature on earth. Because they get power from knowledge and not depend on the physical strength. Human beings are clever creature of nature, they have ability to acquire knowledge and preserve their knowledge, research and experiences in the books in order to pass to the new generations. Knowledge gives them power to know how to control the forces of nature and then use them for getting benefited .

Knowledge Is Power Essay: 2

Knowledge power is real power. Knowledge is most powerful greater than physical strength. Those people have a better knowledge can control all situation and circumstances in his life. This is the complete experience In other words of knowledge is power.
There is knowledge never ends in all subject, and there is no limit to learning and take a knowledge of all thing. Knowledge never has any partiality for all. All should have equal knowledge. Knowledge is a real power which always remains with the person in all bad and good times. Generally, in the school the children getting this topic for writing an essay about the knowledge in his views. Knowledge is very powerful as better than the physical power. Once the people get the knowledge power than they do not need to fear to any other power.Knowledge is most important thing for becoming a great person .
Knowledge helps to the improving the personality of the image of people. That’s why the people on the earth very powerful and intelligent creature on the land by nature.
Knowledge gain is unlimited for all individuals there is no limit to take Knowledge. Knowledge is a very powerful for becoming a great person in the society. If we have the knowledge that we can also give the knowledge to that Students those not have money to learn anything.
Knowledge is the vital tool to get positive changes in the society and country. Knowledge is that thing there is not anyone can away from it. This is the very precious thing. It remains with us .
 Knowledge Is Power Essay: 3

Knowledge is the way to learn anything.The man can get knowledge from Books, Research, and experience. Knowledge is the power which can control nature force as well as giving benefits. True knowledge keeps away the person from fightings and any other bad habits. Knowledge is depended upon the person those wants to learn more which gives them successive life and generations. If the knowledge of the person can use active and negative in it. There are many things to learn in knowledge which people can not do physically such as running on barefoot, see far like an eagle, run so fast like a panther, fight with forest animals, carry heavy loads, smell quickly like dogs, etc.
We can say it the knowledge is power because it gives us happiness in our life when we are stressful than we can survive all things by our knowledge and we can also maintain our maintainability in all cases. There is so many people succeed in his life because of great knowledge; There is our great person like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison they are the example of knowledge in world .

Knowledge Is Power Essay: 4

Knowledge is power which we can say that it is almost everything because it has ability to make a physically weak person a most strong person of the world. It gives everything in the life like money, power, name, fame, success and position. Knowledge gives a person ability to understand, analyze, make better decisions and evolve most intelligent thoughts. It gives us feeling of well being and helps to improve the lives of us and people in our surroundings.
A more knowledgeable person in the society becomes more valuable and respected. A knowledgeable person gets more fame very easily and people want to work with him. Knowledge is the way to more doors and opportunities in the life. Knowledge provides actual freedom in the life and opens all the doors of success. Knowledge provides power to speak through our mind which really helps people to understand who you truly are.
Knowledge is very important tool to get positive changes in the society and country. Knowledge helps us to absorb things from the genius people which have potential to improve the quality of life. Knowledge is the only precious thing which nobody can take away from us; it remains with us forever and increases if we distribute it among the needy people. It gives new and revolutionary ideas which help to alter the way of viewing the world. So, we can say that knowledge is pillar to the success and happiness

Knowledge Is Power Essay :5

The proverb ' Knowledge is Power ' is as  true today as it was in the past. in fact, it is knowledge that distinguishes man from animals.

Man is physical weaker than many animals. He cannot run fast as fast as a panther. He cannot see as far as an eagle can. His sense of smell is weaker than that of a dog.  He can not carry as heavy loads as some beasts of burden do. He cannot fight tigers and lions with his bare hands. 
Yet he has managed to become the most powerfull creature on earth. His power comes from knowledge, not from physical strength. 

Man has the ability to acqure knowledge , preserve it in books and thus pass it on to the coming generataions. This has given him the power the control the forces of nature , and use them for his benefit. It is, however, necessary for man kind to use this knowledge and power wisely. If we use our knowledge wisely, we can create a better and safer world than the world of today.

With the help of  knowledge, the man discovered, invented and learned many things. He invented many things to improve transportations like vans, ships, airoplanes, train etc.With the help of knowledge man has discovered the secrets of matter. Man turned in to energy and most usefull form of energy is atomic energy and electricity.Means of communication, means of tansportation and invented of new and best medicines, all these things are due to the knowledge.

Knowledge and power alone cannot bring happiness to mankind. Unfortunately, we have not used our knowledge for the benefit of entire mankind. Those persons and nations who happened to possess knowledge and power in the past used it for creating personal and national empires by conquering more lands and enslaving more people.

Our knowledge has not enabled us to banish war that has plagued man from the very beginning. In reality, we have used the immense knowledge acquired in the past two or three centuries to make war more and more horrible and devastating. The present century that has seen man reaching the moon, and exploring the deep space has also seen two world wars in which millions of people were killed. It has also seen the United State of America dropping the most horrible weapon of war, the atomic bomb, on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. These wars were stated by western nations who pride themselves on bieng the most advance and civilized nations of fthe world.

Essays  On Information Technology

Information Technology Essay:1 

Information Technology is a developing technology that aims at obtaining the maximum information with minimum of resources, labour or time.  According to the dictionary, Information Technology is “the study or use of electronic equipment especially computers, for storing, analysing and distribution of information of all kinds, including words, numbers and pictures.”
Ever since the appearance of Man on the earth, information has been the major cause of his progress and development.  But information alone is not enough.  Information has to be processed, put to use by logic and reason before it becomes useful knowledge.
Information Technology includes and encompasses within itself the whole technological, social and cultural phenomena that promise an excellent future for mankind.  The 21st century is a century of Information Technology.   Just as steam engine emerged to be the technology of the 19th century and computer technology enhanced the capacity of human brain in the 20th century, Information Technology is the in-thing in the 21 century.
Our age is known as the age of Information Technology. Information Technology with its superhighway has not only revolutionised man’s way of working but also his very existence. IT (Information Technology) revolution is sweeping our civilization bringing about unfathomable changes in our present-day civilization. Twenty first century belongs to the IT world.
Information Technology Essay:2

Information technology touched every aspect of the lives of the people. People started depending more on it and the need for manual labour started decreasing. Information technology is so intricately linked with the lives of the people that in its absence, the world will descend into chaos and tension.Information technology exists in all sectors of our society, be it education, health, industries, etc. It has single-handedly made life easier for the people on earth. In school, information technology has helped in making classrooms more efficient and student-friendly. Information technology is used by people of all ages, starting from small kids to elderly people.
School going children use it to look up their homework or project related work and also to play online games. People in their late teenage use it for downloading music, movies, operating social networking sites etc. The working class usually resorts to the help of information technology for multifarious reasons like checking the financial market, comparing restaurants, product-searching, movie tickets, booking seats at plays, musicals, restaurants, etc.There are also additional features which IT offers us like Maps which helps you locate your position and calculate distances between places, Scholar which is very useful for research assistance, online books to read etc.
Life without Information Technology
Life without information technology is unimaginable today. More than half of the things in the world today are run with the help of information technology. The industrial sectors, the electronic sector, the health sector, the education sector, the financial sector, all use the help of information technology.With the absence of information technology, every sector would collapse and life on earth would become difficult. People who depend on information technology would become helpless in its absence. Information technology which has helped the police to apprehend criminals would make it easier for the criminals to go scot free.
Life without information technology is unimaginable today. It has indeed made our lives better and far more convenient. But however, man’s need for information technology has started becoming overwhelming. Information technology, which was created by man, has started taming its own master. Information technology is virtually becoming the master of its creator. Though information technology has made a lot of positive developments in the life of man, yet it has an equally negative side to it.
Information Technology Essay:3

The term ‘Information Technology’ or simply known as IT is a generic name given to all improvements that are taking place in our world due to the inter-linked advancement in technology, learning, and information. The term refers to recent technological developments that are taking place in our world as a result of better technology, due to better information.
It consists of a number of allied modern advancements such as, computer, Internet, websites, surfing, E-mail, E-commerce. E-governance, Video- conference, cellular phones, paging, fax machines, smart cards, credit cards, ATM cards etc. All these have been possible due to the advancement in information gathering technique or system which is known as ‘Information Superhighway’ which, like a highway, opens us to a world of technology and information full of immense possibilities .
Two essential components of IT revolution have been the development of computer and internet. These two developments have revolutionised modern civilization. Today at the press of a button we can get any information that we want from anywhere in the world in a fraction of a second, sitting in our room.
This easy and quick access to information has been instrumental in improving our communication, travel, business, entertainment, space exploration, defence capabilities, medical surgeries etc. “We can visit sites situated thousands of miles away, chat with people sitting in other parts of the world, see the latest movies, watch live international matches, read daily newspapers, attend business conferences, conduct business transactions, visit world famous libraries, go through the latest books etc. all at the click of a key on the computer.
The facility of internet and surfing opens us to the world of information superhighway enabling us to seek the information that we want. With the possibility of downloading programmes and information through a computer to a paper, our task of gathering information is a few minutes affair. In this manner, today the process of gathering knowledge and information has become, easy, cheap, fast, and enjoyable. This has been the greatest advantage of IT boom .
Today, we need not go hunting for household items in congested markets. Sitting in our room we can order things, buy tickets, talk to clients, listen to lectures, take part in on-line lotteries, sign business agreements, do bank transactions etc. In other words the recent development in the IT world has reduced man’s labour, workload, and has created a better world to live in.
Today IT revolution is sweeping over the world. Although, IT boom has revolutionised the western world beyond recognition it is still to make much headway in changing lives in India. The boom has, however, affected only the affluent and the urban India. The benefits of IT boom needs to penetrate down to the ordinary men and women living in our country .

Science And Technology Essay:4

As we all know that we live in the age of science and technology. The life of every one of us is highly depends on the scientific inventions and modern day technologies. Science and technology has changed the lives of people to a great extent. It has made life easy, simple and fast. In the new era, the science development has become a necessity to finish the era of bullock cart and bring the trend of motorized vehicles. Science and technologies have been implemented to the every aspect of modernization in every nation. Modern gadgets have been introduced to every walk of life and have solved almost all the problems. It was not possible to have all the benefits of it without implementing it in the sectors like medicines, education, infrastructure, electricity, aviation, information technology and other fieldWhat improvement we are seeing in our life on daily basis is because of the science and technologies. For the proper growth and development of the country, it is very necessary to go science and technology hand in hand. Villages are getting developed to towns and towns to cities thus expanding the greater horizons of economy. Our country India is a fast developing country in the sense of science and technology.
Information  Technology Essay:5

 Information technology is that technology by which the 'nformation is processed, communicated, exhibited and Retrieved in a fast, error-free and proper-way. Information technology is a technology in which both telecommunication computer technologies work together to provide formation.
Today's world is the world of information and telecommunication. Everyday new technology and inventions are being made in the area of information, processing and travelling. There is hardly any area which had not been affected by this. Due to all this, the word distance sounds ironical in present day context.
The whole world has become a small place today. Any information can be exchanged by people in few seconds and that, too, in proper and effective way without any loss of data while it is being processed. On the one hand, all these different ways of tele-communication and information exchage have highlighted the necessity for multipurpose development and growth of information technology and on the other, the easy access and use of it has boosted the network of information exchange.
All this has been possible through information technology like telephone, fax, telex, computers, internet, e-mail, photocopier, printer, scanner, cellular phones, pagers, videophone, digital camera, multimedia, etc.
These technologies are becoming a part and parcel of our lives and are transforming lifestyles and habits of people all over the world.

Essays On Computers

Computer  Essay:1

Computer is the wonderful and mastermind gift of the science to the whole human fraternity. It can be used to do any kind of works. It is very easy to handle by anyone and takes very less time to learn. Because of its easiness and high work efficiency, it is being used in many fields like offices, banks, hotels, educational institutions, shops, hospitals, commercial places, schools, colleges, training institutes, military establishments, military, industries, etc. Many people buy laptop or desktop for their kids to learn about required things in their schools or playing computerized video-games, etc.
Computer is a big dictionary and large storage device which we use to save any type of large amount of data like information, study materials, projects, photos, images, video, audio, songs, clips, games, and many more. It is an electronic machine which is able to calculate and solve big problems. It helps in enhancing our skill level and get information easily. It is very simple data based machine. It provides facility of many other tools like paint tool, text tool, etc which are very beneficial for the kids, children and students to use it more effectively.
We can use it for any big or small mathematical calculations very accurately. It is used to forecast the information about weather, in printing books, news papers, diagnosing diseases, etc. It is used to make online railway reservations, ticket booking, hotel or restaurant booking from any place all over the world. It is used by  companies for the accounting purpose, invoicing, pay rolls, stock control, etc

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Computer:2

It plays an important role in our lives. Our life has become centered around computers and computerized systems.
Various Parts of a Computer: The various parts of a computer includes a system unit, monitor, keyboard, electronic-mouse, printer, speakers, CD drive, etc.
1. System Unit: The system unit is the most important part of the computer. The system unit houses the CPU (microprocessor), hard disk, random access memory (RAM), motherboard, etc.
The CPU processes the information.
  • RAM stores the temporary information while the system is on. It removes the data as soon as the system is switched off.
  • Hard Disk stores the saved information is stored on the hard disk.
  • The Mother Board connects and allows communication between various units of of the computer.
2. Monitor: It displays the information. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors are very bulky. Liquid crystal display (LCD) monitors are thin and light.
3. Keyboard: Letters and numbers are keyed into the computer system through the keyboard.
4. Mouse: It points the cursor and is used in selecting an icon on the screen.
The other components of a computer system includes speakers, modem, printers, etc.

Computers can quickly process huge amount of data. Computers can complete various tasks more effectively than most human-beings. It has automated complex tasks that were once considered boring and tedious for humans. Hence, Computer has greatly increased our efficiency to do various tasks. The advantages of computer is given below:
Stores data in digital format: Computers can store millions of pages of information in digital format.
Huge storage: We can store huge information. The present day hard-disks can store 100s of Gigabytes (GB) of information. Large businesses store their marketing and sales data in their computer systems. Even sensitive data of customers are securely protected in a computerized environment.
Play games: When it comes to games, the choices are almost unlimited.
Calculations: Businesses are increasingly using spreadsheets and other software as a tool for performing mathematical calculations.
Prepare and store official documents: You can use a word processing software to prepare, edit and save any text document. The concept of paperless offices is finally taking its shape. excel- calculations .
  1. Presentations: If your office demands that you prepare presentations, you can prepare it in a PowerPoint.
  2. Internet: You can connect your computer to Internet and browse through huge data.  People use internet for various purposes. Students can use internet to download study materials. A research analyst can do market research over internet. A marketing person can gather relevant data across various geographical boundaries. A prospective customer can find a service provider over internet.
  3. Multimedia: Computer can also be used as an entertainment device. We can play various multimedia applications such as music, video, etc.
  4. Prepare books of accounts: With the help of accounting software, we can prepare our books of accounts.
  5. Reduced costThe introduction of computer has resulted into a reduction of cost to perform various complicated tasks.
  6. Disadvantages
It is true that even computer is not free from defects. The disadvantages of computer is given below:
  1. Ever changing technologyThe technology that is new today, may soon become obsolete. We need to regularly upgrade the hardware and software in a computerized environment. This involves additional time and cost.
  2. Increased manpower cost: The computer needs to be operated by skilled person. This has led to an increase in manpower cost for organizations. Due to the inherent risks, huge expenditure are made ensure data security.
  3. Computer stops responding: At times the operating system of the computer may stop responding or functioning. Though this problem is generally solved by restarting the computer, but sometimes you may have to take the support of the technician.
  4. Viruses: The threat of virus and malware attack always remains in the computerized environment. To cope up with these risks, various anti-virus software are available in the market. If you are using a good antivirus, you are almost sure that your private information and other sensitive data are secured.
  5. Reduction in employment opportunity: The introduction of computers has negatively impacted the employability of computer illiterate people .
Computers :The Modern Man’s Intelligence Machine:3

          In this age of scienceand technology, humanity is witnessing an explosion of knowledge.  Computer a machine that promises to beat man in various fields – is one the latest useful inventions word today.  The computer fever his caught everybody from a child of three to an old man of seventy.  Everyone is talking about computers networking from a child of three or an old man seventy. How important computer has become in life today.  Every office, factory, modems, computer virus etc.  This shows developed country in the world is equipped with a computer.  A computer has already become an inseparable part of life.  It helps a doctor I his diagnosis ; it helps an engineer in his multifarious activities; guides a pilot or a navigator to safety; it helps a public or a private official or businessman in more ways that one.  It is an important part of every institution, every office and every establishment public or private in several countries.
                A computer is basically an electronic calculating machine.  It performs, complex and enormous calculation with tremendous speed, precision and diligence.  It accepts data, performs operations according to instruction and provides the results of the operations.  In addition to its speed in performing complicated calculations, the computer has an ability to reproduce, rearrange and reconstruct information that can prove an invaluable asset in science, medicine, technology or any other branch of knowledge.

Benefits of Computer Essay : 4

Computer is an electronic device made by Charles Babage, to solve arithmetic & logical operations. It is one of the very important instrument of our life. There is not a single day that we can go without the use of computers. The IT industry has experienced a continuous surge along with computers and the Internet. This has led to growth of other ancillary industries like the internet service providers and the technical service providers and all together the whole economy of the world.
The advancement in the computer technology has made it possible for almost everything to be done through the computer and over the internet. With the help of these two tools you can accomplish your office work even if you are at home. Not only this, you can also take care of education, shopping and research and various other things too. Computers are useful in business, in education and home. The use of computer has reduced time span of many works. Any work can be done sitting in a place and pressing few keys. 
It has enabled people to know happenings of the world shortly after it happens. Computer has made it easier for people to communicate in addition to saving time and money. Using e-mails you can send letters immediately to anyone, at a very less cost. When there was no computer it used to take weeks and months to send letters by post. The mode of education has also changed. Using internet and computer you can teach anyone in any part of the world. It is also a mode of entertainment. You can play games and even watch your favorite serials and movies.
Computer has even bought the families together. Families staying miles apart can talk and even see each other. By understanding computers we can better exploit their benefits and features for our betterment.
Importance Of Computers In Student's Life :5

Technological advancements in recent times have touched and affected all walks of life including education sector. With the inclusion of technology in the classrooms, everything is changing at a rapid pace in the entire education sector. It has become a necessity of life, be it tablets in the classroom, online lesson plans, availability of search engines for information and fulfilling young minds curiosity, technology is changing the entire education landscape. Computers and tech knowledge are fast becoming an integral part of the student’s life. Among numerous benefits of computers, the importance of this amazing machine in student’s life can be summarized in below points:
  • Easy access to information and research: Gone are the days when library visits were the only alternatives to access history or any other subject research. With the easy availability of computers, everything is accessible in few clicks making the education much more holistic.
  • Convenience: Computers have made a student life very time saving and convenient. Right from writing assignments to referring lessons plans online to email communications for shared knowledge & discussions with friends and teachers, computers are used everywhere in a student’s life.
  • Mode of easy communication: one of the hard parts of student and college life is staying away from the family for studies. computers help tremendously in making communication easier and faster with the loved ones. Emails, instant messaging, sharing tools ,live updates helps students staying away from family feel very much at home ,all thanks to a computer and internet connection. Computers make the world smaller with its mere presence.
  • Helps in learning vital Job Skills: It is a common knowledge that computers play a vital role in modern world. In today’s world, from very basic jobs to big corporate and businesses cannot operate without computers. Having computer knowledge from the beginning prepares students for a number of potential careers and makes them future ready to face the big world.
  • Increasing efficiency: Computers made the entire learning process much more fun and efficient for students. Be it checking their grades or checking lesson plans online or allowing students to finish their work assignments ,making presentations etc outside the school hours, computers gives much flexibility and increase efficiency.
  • Better student performance: Computers makes learning much more engaging and adds to better student outcome and performances. Students feel much more focused and involved with the active use of computers in learning. Computers also instill the values of collaboration and independence in students.
  • The source of entertainment: As they say ‘All work and no play makes jack a dull boy’, the importance of computers in students life as a mode of entertainment cannot be denied. Watching movies, playing video games, downloading music and staying updated on social media computers makes it all easy and hence becoming an integral part of students life .

Essays On Sports


Sports are the physical activities with different names according to the ways of playing them. Sports are generally liked by almost all the children whether girls or boys. Generally the topic of benefits and importance of sports are argues by the people. And yes, any type of sport is deeply connected with the physical, physiological, mental and intellectual health of the person. It helps in maintaining the physical and mental fitness of the person. Playing sports on daily basis help in deSports are the physical activity done in particular ways of style and all are named accordingly. Indian government has made compulsory playing the sports in the schools and colleges for the student’s welfare and good health as well as improving mental skill. Participation of the children in any of the sports is very necessary and important. Students should be encouraged and motivated by their parents at home and teachers in the schools. It is necessary for the growing children so that they may develop good habits and discipline which they may continue to their adulthood and pass to the next generation.
Sports play great role in improving and maintaining the health and fitness, improving mental skills and concentration level as well as social and communication skills. Playing sports on regular basis prevents person form the many diseases and disorders of the body organs especially overweight, obese and heart problems. Children should never be demoted for playing the sports instead they should be promoted developing the mental skills. It also improves the psychological skills of the person playing. It brings motivation, courage, discipline and concentration. Playing sports has been made necessary in the schools for the welfare of the students.

Sports Essay:2

Everybody understands that, sports and games mean only the physical and mental fitness. However it has many hidden benefits as well. Sports and good education both together become the way to achieve success in the life of a child. Both should be given equal priority in the school and colleges to go ahead and make the bright career of the students. Sports mean not only the bodily exercise however it means to promote the concentration level of the students towards study. There is a common saying about the sports that “A sound mind in a sound body” means there should be a well working mind in the fit body in order to go ahead and get success in the life.
As the health of the body is essential for getting healthy all through the life, it is also necessary to have a mental and intellectual fitness to concentrate completely on the target. Playing sports brings highest level of confidence and teaches us discipline which remains with us whole life. Motivating children for the sports and make them interested in the games should be started at home and school level by the equal participation of the parents and teachers. Sports and games become very interesting and can be played by anyone anytime however it should be practiced from childhood for better achievement of the goal whether in the study or other.
Sports and games are of many types and named according to the rules and ways of playing them. Some of the sports are cricket, hockey (national game), football, basket ball, volley ball, tennis, running, skipping, high and low jumping, discus throw, badminton, rowing, swimming,  and many more. Sports are the best ways to deal with the losses and profits in the life by making the balance between body and mind, excitement and sorrow. Playing sports for some hour on daily basis has been made necessary in the schools for the welfare of the children and better future of the country .

Importance Of Sports Essay:3

If we see back for a while in the history or put some lights on the life of any successful person, we see that name, fame and money never come easily. It needs a dedication, continuity, patience and most importantly some physical activities means physical and mental health of a person for a healthy survival and success. Sports is the best way to get involved in the continuous physical activities. Success of any person depends on the mental and physical energy. History reveals that only supremacy have power to rule the nation or person .
Sports are nice way to get involved in the physical activities which benefits a lot. Sports are given much importance in many countries as they know it’s real benefits and need in the personal and professional life of a person. Sports are physical activities of much importance for any athlete or a professional sportsperson. It means a lot for them and their life. Sports have nice scope for the sports persons nationally as well as internationally. In some countries, sports and games activities are arranged in the celebration of some events or festivals, for example; Olympic Games are organized to pay honor to the Olympiads of the ancient Greece.

Importance Of Sports Essay:4

Sports are nice physical activities that provide freedom from the stress and worries. It has nice scope and professional career for the sports persons. It has ability to give sports persons their required name, fame and money. So, we can say that, sports can be played for personal benefits as well as professional benefits. In both ways, it benefits our body, mind and soul. Some people play it daily for their body and mind fitness, enjoyment, etc however some play it to get valuable status in their life. No one can ignore its values in the personal and professional life. First Olympic Games were held in 1896 in Athens which is now held continuously after every four years in different countries. It involves both, outdoor and indoor games in which sportsperson of many countries takes part.
Some of the outdoor sports and games are like football, hockey, volleyball, baseball, cricket, tennis, kho-kho, kabaddi, etc which require a playground to be played. Indoor games are like carom, cards, chess, table tennis, puzzle, indoor basketball, etc can be played at home without any playground. Some sports and games like badminton and table tennis can be enjoyed both as indoor and outdoor.
Advantages of Sports and Games:
Sports and games are very beneficial to us as they teach us punctuality, patient, discipline, teamwork and dedication. Playing sports help us in building and improving confidence level. If we practice sports on regular basis, we can be more active and healthy. Being involved in the sports activities help us in getting protected with numerous diseases such as arthritis, obesity, obese, heart problems, diabetes, etc. It makes us more disciplined, patient, punctual, and courteous in life. It teaches us to go ahead in life by removing all the weaknesses. It makes us bold and gives the feeling of happiness by reducing the occurrence of anxiety and angry. It makes us physically fit and mentally comfort using which we can easily deal with all the problems.
The Value Of Sports :5

The chief object of ports is, of course, bodily exercise. “A sound mind in a sound body" is a well-known saying. The heath of the body is essential for success in life. An unhealthy man is always sad, gloomy ad therefore loses confidence in him. To keep healthy, one must take an active interst in sports. Thus sports serve an essential purpose in life because they ensure good health and build a fine physique. If one is bodily fit, one feels capable of hard endeavor and life without endeavor is useless. The great advantage of sports is that they combine exercise with trill, excitement and sensations. In order that we should readily take exercise it should be made interesting and, as everybody knows, practically all kinds of games devised by man possess a certain degree of interest. 
The Value of Sports such as Hockey, football, cricket, tennis, badminton, rowing and swimming --- all these and others not only give exercise to the libs but also provide a good deal of excitement and entertainment. Besides, the competitive element in sports is source of thrills for the mind. Not only the players, but the spectators also feel engrossed in a game because of its suspense and unexpected turns. It is for these reasons that sports form a very important part in education. A bookworm who takes no interest in sport is physically weak and all his mental excellence can’t make up for his physical deficiency.

The Value of Sports benefits not only the body but also the mind. Almost every game requires a certain degree of skill to play. Skill is a mental quality. Physical vigor alone is not enough in games like golf, cricket and tennis. 

Sports develop and encourage the spirit of healthy competition. The, competitive instinct is natural in man and demands outlets. Sports have wide scope for the competitive instinct. Matches and tournaments and contests are held to put to test the skill, toughness, stamina and endurance of values of participants. Medals and awards are an incentive to players to achieve excellence and a high standard of performance in their respective fields. The healthy spirit of rivalry and competition constantly leads to improvement in the performance and previous records are constantly excelled or surpassed. 

There are several other considerations which entail sports to an important place in life. It is usually by taking part in sports that we cultivate what is called the spirit of showmanship. This spirit of sportsmanship is an excellent quality in a man and consists of fair play, sense of discipline, capacity for team work and cooperation and confidence in oneself that enabled one to accept a defeat cheerfully. A sportsman playing on the field is not expected outplays foul. He must cooperate and finally, if his team suffers a defeat he must not lose self-confidence but must shake hands with his adversaries cheerfully. When a sportsman has acquired these qualities on the playground, he will naturally exhibit them in the wider sphere of life. If he has truly imbibed the lessons taught to him by sports, he will be very honest and fair in his dealings with other people. He will never see his enemies below belt. He will always obey his superiors. He will never feel heartbroken on account of the disappointments. If he shows these qualities in his general conduct, he has learnt how live truly. His life is successful and he will be admired everywhere. 

Sports are an excellent means of spending one’s leisure. All work and no play make jack adult boy. Sports are much interesting pastime. Most of the games are quite inexpensive too.

Essays On Terrorism

Terrorism Essay :1

Terrorism is a big national issue which is using the human mind to get complete victory. Terrorism is terrifying the mind of the human being to make them weak so that they can rule the nation again. It needs to be solved on international level. We all should think about terrorism together to finish it from the root. We should make a strong policy to completely destroy its kingdom as well as removing the striking terror from the human minds. Terrorism uses violent ways to achieve the purpose and get positive result.
Terrorism is the act of violence performed by the group of people called terrorist. They become very common people and somehow they lost their control over the mind because of some unfair natural disasters or unfair activities with them by others which make them unable to fulfil desires in normal and accepted ways. Slowly they are taken under the confidence of some bad people in the society where they are promised to get fulfilled all the desires. They get together and form a group of terrorists to fight with their own nation, society and community. Terrorism has affected all the youths of the country, their growth and development.
It has pulled the nation many years back from the proper development. Terrorism is ruling the country just like Britishers, from which we again need to be free. However, it seems that terrorism would always continue spreading its root to deep because some rich people from our nation are still supporting them to fulfil their unfair purposes.

Terrorism Essay :2

Terrorism is an international problem in today's global community. Many nations are affected, whether directly or indirectly. Most nations oppose terrorism, while others condone or even support active, brutal terrorism and terrorist groups. 
Terrorism is defined by the US State Department to contain four elements. The first is a threat of violence or an act of violence. Next is a political objective. Third is that violence and threat of violence is a direct attack on civilians making civilians a primary target. Lastly, it is perpetrated by a supporting a nation or nations of terrorism. 
Two examples of terrorism and non terrorism are: the bombing of the US Embassy in Dar-Es-Salaam and the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the Dar-Es-Salaam bombing, it is believed that there is one sub national actor involved: Osama bin Laden. With Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the US State Department agreed to drop the bomb. This was a general agreement of the American government, a national actor. Though both fit three criteria for a terrorist attack, the US government's general decision to drop the bomb automatically makes it an act of war, not terrorism. 
One of the goals of terrorism is to make the terrorist's views heard. This can be caused by a total media blitz that usually occurs after a terrorist attack. The media is an excellent window for the terrorists to shout their demands and views immediately after an attack. The US has a very strict policy concerning terrorism. Our country refuses to negotiate with terrorists or give in to any of their demands. We do all we can to bring terrorists to justice after they commit crimes. We aim to isolate terrorist sponsoring nations, such as Iraq, from the rest of the world and attempt to perform counter-terrorism.

Global Terrorism Essay :3

The world is today witnessing a rise of terrorist activities in different parts of the world.  A number of groups, owing allegiance to some political ideology or some particular religious beliefs, have chosen the path of violence and terror to achieve their objects.  These vested interests are rabid fundamentalists or fanatics having no sanctity for life. The know no principles or values.  They believe in the power of the gun and want to achieve their objects overnight.
While some of these groups are fighting for control over some pieces of land, others are fighting for spreading their own ideology or religious philosophies.  They choose to defy public opinion and refuse to see reason.  They think that their own view point or stand is the only right view point or stand, and that they have a right to convert other people to their thinking by force.  For this avowed purpose they do not hesitate from committing the worst of crimes including murder of innocent citizens, looting or burning property, kidnapping people, hijacking planes and creating terror in one way or the other.
Some of the important terrorist organizations operating in different parts of the world have already been identified. The Al0Aaeda in Afghanistan, the Jaishe Mohmmad and the Lashker-e-Toiba based in Pakistan, the Palestine Liberation Organisation in the Middle East, the LTTE in Sri Lanka, the Maoists in Nepal, the Naxalite organization called People’s War Group (PWA) in parts of India, the Naga National Council, several pro—Pakistan groups operating in Jammu and Kashmir, the Irish Army in the U.K., etc. are already playing havoc in their respective areas.  The number of these organizations is so large that it is difficult to list them out.  They have their own training systems where they catch hold of young boys and indoctrinate them in subtle ways through guile, treachery, temptations or money.  At several places they are running their own schools to ‘Catch them young’ and wash their brains.  Some of the Madarsas being run by Muslim fundamentalists are allegedly involved in this type of activities.
It would on September 11, 2001 that the world woke up to the dangers of this terrible menace.  A group of Al- Qaeda terrorists, guided and supported by the Taliban leader Osama Bin Laden based in Afghanistan, struck terror in the U.S.A. in a big way.  They hijacked four US planes from some US civilian airports.  While one of these planes hit against the US headquarters in Pentagon, another two planed brought down the towering World Trade Centre, killing at least 5000 innocent US citizens.  The fourth, luckily, missed the target.  It was, the reports say, scheduled to hit the White House, the residence of the US president.
George Bush, the President of the USA, swung into action and ordered US air force to attack Afghanistan and bring the terrorists to book.  In a massive attack, the Talibans were defeated and destroyed and a new government came to control Afghanistan.  Similarly America attacked Iraq as President Saddam himself appeared to be a big terror.  Iraq was badly damaged.  A group of terrorists trained in Pakistan attacked the Indian Parliament House on December 13, 2001 even when the Parliament was in session.  The Indian security personnel killed all the five attackers on the spot but the incident shook whole of the country and the world.  The war against terrorists is continuing and the world community has decided to continue to fight till terrorism is fully wiped out from the face of this earth.
The UNO has, in a resolution, called upon various nations to join hands and work as United Alliance to face this threat of terrorism anywhere at any time in the world.
Pak-trained terrorists continue to cross over to India and let loose a reign of terror in        J & K.  Terrorism has already taken a heavy toll of life and property.  It is a shame that even as the human civilization is marching ahead,  some people are bent upon pushing the world back to the age of barbarism and brutality full of chaos and indiscipline.  The law of the jungle will take us nowhere.  We can only pray for good sense of prevail so that the world is able to share and enjoy the blessings bestowed upon mankind by new leaps in the field of science and technolog.

Terrorism In Pakistan: Its Causes, Impacts And Remedies:4

At present the gravest problem that Pakistan is faces is terrorism. It has become a headache for federation and a nightmare for public. Though, it is a global issue but Pakistan has to bear the brunt of it. Pakistan’s involvement in the War on Terror has further fuelled the fire. We are facing war like situation against the terrorists. This daunting situation is caused due to several factors. These factors include social injustice, economic disparity, political instability, religious intolerance and also external hands or international conspiracies. A handful of people who have their vicious interests to fulfil have not only taken countless innocent lives but also distorted the real image of Islam before the world through their heinous acts. Terrorist acts like suicide bombings have become a norm of the day. On account of these attacks Pakistan is suffering from ineffaceable loss ranging from civilian to economic. People have become numerical figures, blown up in numbers every now and then. Terrorists have not spared any place. Bazars, mosques, educational institutes, offices, hotels, no place is safe anymore
Though terrorism has no accepted definition, yet it can be defined as the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aim or the calculated use of violence or threat of violence against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature, this is done through intimidation or coercion or inciting fear. According to FBI’s definition, Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objective. 
The religion of Islam (Submission), advocates freedom, peace and mutual agreement and admonishes aggression. The following verses make it very clear.
“And do not aggress; GOD dislikes the aggressors”. (Quran 5:87)
“You shall resort to pardon, advocate tolerance, and disregard the ignorant”. (Quran: 7:199)
The relations of Muslims (Submitters) with others are based primarily on peace, mutual respect and trust. The theme in the Quran is peace, unless there is oppression or injustice that cannot be resolved by all the peaceful means available. The true religion of Islam forbids the killing of innocent people, irrespective of the cause, religious, political or social beliefs.
..You shall not kill * GOD has made life sacred * except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you that you may understand.” (Quran 6:151)
You shall not kill any person * for GOD has made life sacred — except in the course of justice.” (Quran17:33)
In Islam, an amazingly powerful emphasis is laid on developing love for mankind and on the vital importance of showing mercy and sympathy towards every creature of Allah Almighty, including human beings and animals. For indeed, love and true sympathy is the very antidote of terrorism.
Injustice is one of the foremost factors that breed terrorism. When the grievances of the people are not redressed they resort to violent actions. So this is the case with Pakistan where timely justice has always been a far cry. Hence, the delayed justice is working as incentive for victims and dragging them to the swamp of terrorist organisations.
Illiteracy is the root causes of extremism and terrorism. More than one in five men aged 15 to 24 unable to read or write, and only one in 20 is in tertiary education. such a high illiteracy rate has made Pakistan vulnerable to terrorism. furthermore, technical and vocational education, and adult literacy, are especially important but unfortunately have been neglected the most in Baluchistan, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and the Tribal Areas. Illiteracy and lack of skills provide fertile ground for those who wish to recruit young men and women to their cause, especially when significant monetary payments are attached. 
Regarding poverty, it is also an incubating cause of terrorism. And it is said that “a hungry man is an angry man.” Notably, majority of people in Pakistan are living below poverty line. While especially for the youngsters, unemployment has made the matter worse. In these adverse circumstances, some people go to the level of extremism and even commit suicide. These are the people whose services are hired by the terrorist groups and they become easy prey to terrorism.
Food insecurity is also linked with militancy and violence. When people remain unable to afford food and cannot meet their basic needs civil strife grows. A report by the Islamabad-based Sustainable Development Policy Institute The highest levels of food insecurity, for instance, exist in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, according to the report, where 67.7 per cent of the people are insecure. The next highest level is in Baluchistan, with food insecurity at 61.2 per cent, and then in Khyber-Pukhtunkhwa, 56.2 per cent. In Pakistan some extremist forces are exploiting the feelings of lower and lower middle class food insecure people. They are motivating their unemployed youth to commit heinous crimes such as suicide attacks against innocent people.
Another reason of terrorism is dissatisfaction. When a person is dissatisfied with the rulers and thinks that his rights are being humiliated or exiled, his living of life has not been compensated, he is deprived of rightful inheritance to office, wrongly imprisoned and property confiscated then he joins some religious parties. It does not matter which organisation it would be. None of the organisations has any importance for him. Adopting an organisation would only save him from the critical situation he is in and leaves him to play in the hands of his so-called leaders who destroy his public sense of security.
Thorough analysis of the causes of terrorism and its ineffaceable impacts indicate that in Pakistan this phenomenon has not come to fore overnight. It has taken decades to flourish and involves many factors. Since terrorism is a multifaceted, the solution has to be multi-pronged. In view of the root causes described in above paragraphs, the possible remedies could include
• As Pakistan is already facing various crises of grave nature in wake of terrorism, so our politicians must stop manipulating the same for their own self-interests. By setting aside their differences and by showing power of tolerance, both our rulers and opposition parties need to act upon a policy of national reconciliation to cope with the problem of terrorism and to stand before external pressure.
• Finally, our politicians, general masses and security forces must show a strong sense of unity to fight terrorism,
To conclude, Pakistan is a peace loving nation and playing its important role in combating terror. Recognition of efforts to fight menace of terrorism and sacrifices rendered thereof are testimony to the commitment and resolve to bring peace in the region. Unfortunately sometimes its commitment is doubted by some of its allies. Mistrust can lead to diversion of efforts, which will not be beneficial to common objective of peace in the region. Pakistan is a responsible nation; fully capable of defending its territorial integrity. Pakistan has singularly committed large forces to combat menace of terrorism more than any other country. No foreign troops are either present or deployed on Pakistan soil.
All citizens of Pakistan must propagate moderate vibrant culture of Pakistan to promote good will of world community and shun misconstrued beliefs. Attacks on security forces personnel are executed at the sponsorship of hostile intelligence agencies. Such anti state elements must be singled out and brought to lime light to defeat evil agendas of our enemies. Pakistan has sacrificed the most in the ongoing war on terror; criticizing Pakistan’s efforts at national/international forum will be counter-productive to the overall objectives of war on terror.


Environment Essay:1

Environment means all the natural surroundings such as land, air, water, plants, animals, solid material, wastes, sunlight, forests and other things. Healthy environment maintains the nature’s balance as well as helps in growing, nourishing and developing all the living things on the earth. However, now a day, some manmade technological advancement spoiling the environment in many ways which ultimately disturbs the balance or equilibrium of nature. We are keeping our lives in danger as well as existence of life in future on this planet.
If we do anything in wrong way out of the discipline of nature, it disturbs the whole environment means atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Besides natural environment, a man made environment is also exists which deals with the technology, work environment, aesthetics, transportation, housing, utilities, urbanization, etc. Man made environment affects the natural environment to a great extent which we all must be together to save it.
The components of the natural environment are used as a resource however it is also exploited by the human being in order to fulfil some basic physical needs and purpose of life. We should not challenge our natural resources and stop putting so much pollution or waste to the environment. We should value our natural resources and use them by staying under the natural discipline.

Environment Essay:2

An environment includes all the natural resources which surround us to help in number of ways. It provides us better medium to grow and develop. It gives us all things which we need to live our life on this planet. However, our environment also need some help from all of us to get maintained as usual, to nourish our lives forever and to never ruin our lives. The elements of our environment are declining day by day because of the man made technological disaster.
We need to maintain the originality of our environment to continue the life on the earth, the only place where life is possible till now in the whole universe. World Environment Day is a campaign being celebrated for years every year on 5th of June in order to spread the public awareness all over the world towards the environment safety and cleanliness. We must participate in the campaign celebration to know the theme of celebration, to know ways of saving our environment and to get aware about all the bad habits which declining the environment day by day.
We can save our environment in very easy manner with the little step taken by every person on the earth. We should reduce the amount of waste, throwing wastes properly to its place only, stop using poly bags, reuse some old things in new ways, repair and use broken things instead of throwing it away, see how much it would take to repair them, use rechargeable batteries or renewable alkaline batteries, make use of fluorescent light, rain water conservation, reduce water wastage, energy conservation, minimum use of electricity, etc.

Solutions For Better Environment Essay:3

Over the past couple of years, our environment has changed very drastically. One main reason is because humans don’t take good enough care of the Earth. If we do not do anything about this, the Earth won’t be in good shape. Luckily, there are many solutions for what we could do. One of many causes that are damaging our environment is global warming. Another cause that is damaging our environment is the air quality.
Global warming is a rise in temperatures over time on the Earth’s surface. The amount of global warming has increased over the years due to many reasons. For example, pollution from cars, power plants, and more. Global warming has caused glaciers to melt which can lead to many more water shortages in the West of America. It also causes the ocean to become warmer which is bad because that could make it easier for tropical hurricanes to pick up more energy and become more powerful. Forests, farms, and cities have had trouble dealing with more mosquitoes and more troublesome pests, too. Global warming leads many animals to extinction, as well. A couple of solutions to prevent global warming are that you could conserve energy, turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth; plug the sink in while you’re washing the dishes, and more.
Many factories today use extremely bad fumes that are harmful to the Earth. A lot of those fumes come out of the chimney of the building which rises up into the atmosphere. Then, it produces more carbon dioxide than we need and the carbon dioxide traps in the heat, which makes the Earth warmer (Greenhouse effect). This is very bad for the air that we breathe. The various gases and little particles that are in the fumes can harm our health and environment. However, factories aren’t the only cause for all this. Other human activities can interfere with the air quality of the Earth, too. A solution for this could be that we could use less of the material that affects the air quality of the Earth. It will decrease the amount of pollution in the air. Also, many factories can use less harmful gases that are harmful to the Earth, as well. Clearly, this shows two of the many problems that has changed our environment today and solutions that could help our environment.

Environment Essay :4

The world faces many problems every day. This is a normal part of life. Wars, famine, debt, deaths etc. keep the world on its toes. Then there are environmental problems that can be added into the equation too. Environmental problems are problems that occur in the environment. For example, climate changes and natural disasters are problems we face constantly. This essay is about some of the current environmental problems facing the world today.
One of the greatest problems we face in the world today is pollution. This is pollution of the air, water and soil. It takes millions of years to make this right. The number one pollutants are industry and motor vehicle exhaust. In addition, nitrates, heavy metals and plastic are other toxins that cause pollution. Air pollution is caused by the gases and toxins that are released by industries and factories. Then, there is water pollution. Water pollution is the polluting of water through oil spills, urban runoff, acid rain etc. Soil pollution occurs when industrial waste is added into the soil that takes away its essential nutrients.
Another grave environmental problem facing the world today is global warming. This is caused by emission of greenhouse gases. Global warming increases atmospheric temperatures in the ocean and the surface of the earth and this causes the melting of the polar ice caps. This melting causes the sea levels to rise and the occurrence of unusual weather patterns that cause flash floods and excessive snowing.
Overpopulation is another environmental problem facing the world today. The increase in the population leads to food and water shortages. It also leads to the shortages of natural resources. Developing countries have already surpassed the population limits, which leads to the scarcity of many resources. This leads to various methods that try to increase agriculture, which, in turn, damage the environment more. For example, the more fertilizer and pesticides added to produce more food damages the environment exponentially. This is a crucial environmental problem that has to be addressed as soon as possible.
With overpopulation, comes the depletion of natural resources. For example, the consumption of fossil fuels adds to the problem of greenhouse gases which contributes to global warming. Although many people are turning towards solar and electric power, it is still in its initial stages and needs more attention. The depletion of natural resources is a lifetime problem. Once it is gone, there is no getting it back.

Essays On Global Warming

Global Warming Essay:1

Global warming is a big issue of the atmosphere on the earth which cause continuous rise in the surface temperature of the Earth. It has been estimated that in next 50 or 100 year the temperature of earth would be increased to a great level which would create big problem of living on earth. The highly known and most basic cause of increasing the Earth’s temperature is continuous rise in the atmospheric carbon dioxide.. The bad effects of it increasing day by day and causing major problems to the living of human being. It has become one of the subjects of big social issues which need social awareness to a great level. People should know its meaning, causes, effects and solutions to solve it immediately. People should come forth together and try to solve it in order to save life on the earth
Rise in the carbon dioxide level is the use fossil fuels like coal and oil, deforestation (cut down of plants) by the human beings on Earth. Decreasing number of the plants on the earth increases the level of carbon dioxide, as plants are the main source of the using carbon dioxide released by the human being (as a by-product of respiration) and other means. Increasing level of Earth’s temperature creates lots of problems like sea level becomes hotter and higher, glaciers melt, flood, strong storms, lack of food, diseases, death, etc.

Global Warming Essay:2

Global warming is a steady process of continuous rise in the level of Earth temperature. Global warming has become one of the biggest problems faced by the world now. It is believed that increasing level of carbon dioxide gas and other greenhouse gases on the earth are the main reasons of heating the atmosphere of earth. If it is not noticed and solved immediately by the efforts of all countries worldwide, it would boom its effects and cause end of life on the earth a day.
Its threatening effects are increasing day by day and creating danger for human life. Global warming is the main and only reason of rising sea level, flooding, changes in weather patterns, storms, cyclone, epidemic diseases, lack of food, death, etc. The only solution to solve the issue of global warming is the individual level social awareness. People must be aware of its meaning, cause, bad effects and other things about global warming to get it eradicated from worldwide and make the possibilities of life on earth forever as usual.
People should stop producing C02 by just stopping their bad habits such as stop the use of oil, coal and gas, inhibit cutting plants (as they are main source to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen), minimize the use of electricity, etc. Just small changes in everyone’s life all over the world, we can be able to stop the huge negative changes in the atmosphere by lessening the effects of global warming and even stop it a day.

Global Warming Causes And It's Effects Essay :3

Increase in environmental temperature and climate change has become very clear over the last 50 years because of increasing level of greenhouse gases concentration (like water vapour, CO2, methane, ozone, sulphur and nitrogen gases, etc ) in the atmosphere. Such as greenhouse gases contribute to increase in the greenhouse effect. The major cause of increasing greenhouse gas in the environment is burning of fossil fuels which emit carbon dioxide and heat the atmosphere. Such green house gases have capacity to absorb more heat from sun, heat from electricity used by human beings in many ways which in turn warm the whole atmosphere of this planet. The effects caused by the greenhouse gases (water vapour, CO2, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, hydro fluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, per fluorocarbons, chlorofluorocarbons, etc) are called as the green house effect.

Heating of the environment increases atmospheric temperature (by 3° to 5° C by the year 2100), increases sea level (by 25 meter by year 2100) and heat, melts glaciers, increases health disorders, changes climate, changes weather, increases annual power of hurricanes, calls natural disasters (floods, heat waves, droughts, tornadoes), lowers down amount and quality of agricultural yields, enhances glacial retreat, reduces summer stream flows, extinctions of various important plants and animals species and so many. There are some other dangerous effects of the global warming which continuously affects the lives of human beings, plants and animals. Global warming needs to be solved urgently by the active effort of each and every human being living on this planet.

Essays On Cleanliness

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness Essay :1

We should think positively and seriously about the global warming and make our habits action oriented in order to surely solve this huge environmental problem. We should be more practical on daily basis to reduce green house gas emissions especially carbon emissions and slow the pace of global warming. Our positive habits help us and our future generations to get healthier and safer life on the earth. In order to address the problems of global warming we should reduce the amount of heat-trapping green house gas emissions. We are following bad habits unknowingly on daily basis which is creating big threat of global warming. Our increasing demands of technologies, electricity, transportation, etc are stimulating negative climate changes and putting our lives at danger.There are many effective global warming solutions which may reduce the effect of global warming if followed seriously by the people all over the world. We should reduce the emission of heat trapping green house gases released from various sources in order to reduce green house effect and thus global warming. We should reduce our dependency over technological and electricity needs. We should use energy efficiency technologies (less energy use), use greening transportation means more efficient mass transportation systems, promote the use of renewable means natural source of energy (solar, wind, geothermal, etc) and reduces our use of fossil fuels especially carbon-intensive coals to reduce climate .
It is not a work, it is our responsibility to think about it and do best to solve. We just need to understand the side effects of everything what we use in our home or offices on daily basis and follow right step in the right direction .
We need to control the effects of global warming which require a meaningful discussion and positive action oriented habits. Earth’s surface temperature is rising day by day continuously without taking rest. It is very tough to reduce the effects of global warming however not impossible. Our regular and get together effort may make it possible to get control over global warming. Threats of global warming such as melting of glaciers, climate change, rising sea level, droughts, deadly storm events, epidemic diseases, lost endangered species, etc are increasing. We should use energy efficient products means the products which use less energy such as fluorescent bulbs instead of common bulbs.
Use of nuclear energy may reduce the level of carbon emission and thus global warming to great extent. We should reduce the burning of fossil fuels (wood or coal) by reducing our dependence over fossil fuels in order to reduce carbon emissions. We never forget to switch off the bulbs, fans, and other electric devices whenever leave the room because such devices generate heat and cause global warming. Deforestation should be stopped on urgent basis in order to improve the absorption of green house gases from the atmosphere and reduce the effect of global warming. We should promote more new plantation among common public. We should explore the renewable sources of energy and use public transportation instead of personal. There is need of more research and development in order to create low carbon technologies to reduce carbon emissions.

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness Essay :2

Cleanliness is next to Godliness means cleanliness lead the way to godliness or goodness. Through the practice of the proper cleanliness we can keep ourselves physically and mentally clean which really make us good, civilized and healthy human being. Cleanliness brings feeling of physically, mentally and socially well being and helps to make good personality and thus good impression on others. Cleanliness shows clean character of a person through his/her clean dresses and good personality. People with good character become moral and religious in their life. Cleanliness gives rise to good character by keeping body, mind and soul clean and peaceful.
Cleanliness is not only to keep ownself clean physically but it means to keep both physically and mentally clean by maintaining personal hygiene and bringing positive thoughts. Cleanliness is the way to godliness which means maintaining cleanliness and thinking good bring a person more near to the god. Being clean is very important for getting a good health and living moral life.
A clean and well dressed person indicates good personality and good character with impressive habits. Good character of a person is assessed by the clean dress and good manners. Cleanliness of body and mind improves the self-respect of any person. Cleanliness of the body, mind and soul lead towards the godliness which ultimately bring feeling of physically, mentally and socially well being person. A person needs to maintain cleanliness in daily life, need to follow a strict discipline and certain principles in the life. People who become clean are generally religious and god-fearing in nature and never feel hate or jealous to others.

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness Essay :3

Cleanliness is next to godliness is a most common and famous proverb which means cleanliness is everything for the goodness. People should keep themselves clean and bright to maintain their healthy life style and healthy living. Cleanliness is way to godliness and godliness is way to balance mind, soul and body. Being clean is the mean to keep ourselves physically and mentally clean. Keeping our body clean, tidy and well dressed makes us smart enough to get confidence and positive thoughts. Clean habits with nice dress sense creates good impression on others and good reputation in the society because cleanliness reflects a clean character of the person.
It is considered that the people maintaining cleanliness and develop the habit of dressing smartly, become clean character and generally pious and god-fearing. Such people have certain morals in their life and have clean heart by being godly. We can say that godliness starts with clean heart and clean heart can be of person with good character. This is the reason why priests of any religion tell to be clean from body and mind before worship. Cleanliness is the first and foremost thing to be near to the god.
On the other hand, being clean strengthens our immunity system and secures us from many chronic and acute diseases. However, clean people may catch diseases from dirty people but they are strong enough to tackle small problems. They can manage things in their surroundings related to the cleanliness including instructing poor and dirty people about cleanliness.
People maintaining their proper cleanliness feel shame in meeting with the people having dirty face, hands, soiled clothes and bad smelling clothes because they feel their insult while meeting with such type of people. Cleanliness of body is really very necessary for the good physical health. On the other hand, physical cleanliness gives inner cleanliness and keeps heart and mind clean. Cleanliness of mind keeps us mentally healthy and prevents from the psychological problems. So, the complete cleanliness keeps away from dirt and diseases as both go together, where there is dirt there is diseases.
Disease causing germs breed and grow very rapidly in the dirt which causes infection or various epidemic diseases such as cholera. So, in order to be healthy, happy and a peaceful life we all should practice clean habits in every aspect of life because dirt symbolizes moral evil whereas cleanliness symbolizes moral puri.

Cleanliness Essay:4

It is rightly said that cleanliness is next to godliness. It is to be noted that even a dog before sitting at a place cleans it with its tail.
Cleanliness adds charm to life. Even the greatest lover of children is more likely to pick up a comparatively clean child to hug it with love and affection.   
It is true that a mother loves her child in whatever form and shape it might be. But an outside observer is not that blinded with love like the mother has reservation and choice.
Cleanliness is essential for good health. It is in the unclean milieu and atmosphere that all the disease causing bacteria, mosquitoes and flies flourish. Hence, we must take all pains to keep our body, clothes, houses and surroundings neat and clean.
Children should be given lessons is cleanliness from the very beginning. They should be taught body hygiene. They should be asked to have a bath daily and to change their clothes daily and put on clean, well washed only. They must brush their teeth regularly. They should wash their hands before eating and take only clean food and pure water.
At school, the children should be made to sit on properly cleaned chairs and benches.
The elders should act as role models for children. They should themselves observe all the necessary rules regarding cleanliness. At higher levels the municipalities should be pressed to get the streets swept and drains cleaned regularly.
If all steps are taken at local, state and national levels to observe cleanliness in letter and spirit then our country will be a better place to live in.

Cleanliness Essay :5

Cleanliness is important for healthy mind, body and spirit. Our first duty is to be clean. Every morning, as soon as you get up, you must clean your teeth, and wash your face, and your hands and feet
If possible, you may bathe and wash your whole body. If you cannot bathe as soon as you get up, you ought to do so at least later and always before you take your food.
You know how our elderly people never eat without bathing and doing their worship. If you are a good boy or girl, you will follow the same rule.
In a hot country like India, bathing is necessary for health. If you allow dirt to accumulate on your body, you very soon get itch or other diseases of the skin.
After your body, you must look into your clothes. You should always wear clean clothes. Now, do not mistake rich clothes for clean clothes. You may have a very costly coat of flannel or tweed, and it may be very dirty. Another boy may wear only a thin shirt, and it may be clean. In India, we do not want too much woolen clothing. We use mostly cotton clothes; and these can be washed easily.
What prevents you, then, from being clean? It is not because you are poor, for you do not require any money at all to keep your body clean, and you want very little to keep your clothes tidy. One boy says, he has no time; but does anybody believe his words? No; he must set apart some time for bathing and washing his clothes. The fact is some boys get into the bad habit of being dirty.We should get into the habit of being clean. Many boys and girls when they write with ink and pen soil their fingers. With a little care and effort they can avoid it.
Hence, you should always maintain cleanliness.

Essays On Health

Health Is Wealth Essay:1

As we all know about the popular and common saying that “Health is Wealth”. It is as true as our life. Good health keeps us always happy and gives us feeling of complete physical, mental, social and intellectual well-being. A good health keeps us away from the diseases and health disorders. The loss of good health causes loss of all the happiness. A great freedom fighter, Mahatma Gandhi (also called Bapu) has said that “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver”.
A good health helps us to life a good, balanced and healthy life. Our good health needs several things to get done on daily basis. We need fresh air, clean water, proper sunlight, balanced diet, away from junk food, clean and healthy atmosphere, greenery environment, morning walk, personal hygiene, proper education, etc.
Healthy food at proper time is very necessary for the healthy body which is possible only through the well balanced diet. It promotes the proper growth and development of our body which keeps us mentally, physically and socially healthy. With the help of our good health we can fight any bad situations in the life. We should always remember that we need proper food, water, air, physical activity, sleep and rest on daily basis.

Health Is Wealth Essay:2

The meaning of most common saying “health is wealth” is very simple and easy. It means our good health is the real wealth of our life which gives us good physique and mind and enables us to enjoy whole life by managing its all challenges. Good health promotes a good mental, physical and social health. I completely agree with this saying that health is actually a true wealth as it helps us at all. A good health keeps us away from the metal and physical disabilities as well as other medical conditions including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, fatal diseases, etc.A physically or internally unfit person has to face lot of challenges in the whole life even she/he has to be depend on someone else for performing daily basic needs. This situation is quite embarrassing for one who faces it. So, it is good at all to maintain a good health forever to be happy forever without anyone’s help. It is true that to maintain a good health we need money and to earn money we need good health. But it is also true that without money we can live life and without a good health we cannot live life happily. Because our good health helps us all the time and encourages us to do something better in our life, instead of earning money only.In such a busy life and polluted environment, it is very hard for everyone to maintain a good health and live healthy life. It needs a careful watch and regular medical check-up to get healthy.

Health Is Wealth Essay:3

Good health is a boon. It is the real jewel of life, the most precious possession of man. If a man losses his health, the world losses all it§ charms for him. A good wealth of health can be obtained in a number of ways. It needs regular exercise, good food, good thoughts, and cleanliness. A healthy person does not spend money on medicines and visiting doctors. Just opposite, a sluggish person is another form of hell of diseases.
The simplest and most traditional definition of health is that it is the freedom of sickness and diseases. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), a branch of the United Nations, health is physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease. Next to life itself, good health is the most precious gift and is necessary for a purposeful existence.
'Sound mind in a sound body' is an old saying. Healthy persons can work for long hours without getting tired. They can enjoy all the pleasures of life, whereas unhealthy persons can't. The world has no charm for them.
 They are always worried due to their physical complications. Wealth has no importance for them.To keep good health no money is needed. It can be achieved only through our efforts and proper health care. We can maintain good health only if we are aware of various factors which affect our health. There are certain things which are essential for keeping our body free from diseases. Nutritious food comes first.
We should takeVpnly that food which has nutritious value. Some regularity in life is also important for good health. We should get up early in the morning, go out for a walk, breathe in fresh air to keep our lungs clean and in good order, and take brisk walk, move arms while walking. Maintaining clean habits is also important in this regard. If we don't take bath regularly, don't wear clean clothes, don't eat fresh food, we may develop physical complications in the long run. Hence regularities, good habits and cleanliness have great value in maintaining good health. Balancing sleep and rest are also useful in this regard.
We know that a great deal of the waste matter in our bodies escaped by means of the skin, which contains many millions of tiny drainpipes called 'pores'. If we neglect keeping our bodies clean, these pores get choked up and the waste matter cannot escape. Hence we must keep this important point in our mind and do accordingly.
Laughter is the best medicine of good health. So, we should keep calm by overcoming anger, greed, fear, envy and enmity. Life of a healthy man is his long lasting wealth. It makes him able to enjoy life to the full. Those who are wealthy may not always be healthy but the healthy people are always wealthy.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure  Essay :4

Prevention is better than cure is a proverb which completely suits us in our daily sphere of life. It teaches us to take preventive measures always in our life to get away from all sorts of dangers. Preventive measures help us to save our health, effort, time and money. Preventive measures are very essential in our life required to deal with the effects of bad circumstances regarding healthy life. It is good to have preventive measures earlier than following them while getting affected with any type of health disorder.So, we should take all the preventive measures before spreading of diseases. Preventive measures are like drinking clean water, eating healthy diet at right time, washing hands with soap before and after taking food, washing hands with soap after each and every use of toilet, follow good habits of hygiene, taking daily bath, wearing clean cloth, taking proper sleep during night, etc.
Importance of it in our Daily Life:
This proverb ‘prevention is better than cure’ has various importance in our daily life. Following it in our life, we can be prevented from illness. It teaches us to adopt healthy habits of eating and living. It teaches us to do everything in advance in order to avoid last moment harassment. We should plan our all the activities for the project we have already decided to do in future. It helps us to prevent from all the hazards that may occur because of our irregularity in the daily routine. For example, if we have planned for holidays, we should plan and work accordingly to the trip for getting smooth travel. If we eat easily digestible foods, our stomach will be healthy and calm. If we are not prepared for the exam, we will get harassed at the exam time. So, we should make ourselves ready for all the circumstances.
Conclusion: Prevention is a big tool which helps us in many ways if we understand its real meaning and follow its teachings in our daily routine all through the life. It benefits a lot than it means.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure  Essay :5

Prevention is better than cure is a most popular and old proverb related to our health and healthy life. Good health becomes the valuable present for human life. We can earn lots of money, make houses, achieve luxurious things, etc in life however we cannot buy good health once it got declined by some serious diseases. The meaning of each and every luxurious thing will be zero immediately after we get some diseases. The proverb “prevention is better than cure” is a best advice to us in life. People should divert their mind from costly treatment towards spending time on health education, preventative measures, etc.Most of the people suffer from various fatal diseases which have almost no cure or impossible to cure. Some of the diseases have very expensive treatment. People suffering from such diseases are cured by using very hard medicines having lots of side effects in present or in near future. In order to remain away from such diseases, prevention is a great key we can be safe from deadly diseases. Prevention is very cheap and save lots of money, time and effort of us.If prevention methods are followed by the people, they remain safe and happy forever. Poor people cannot afford costly medical treatments. So, we should take care of us all through proper prevention methods so that we can be away from cure. We have only one life which is very important to all of us. We should live it, not destroy by inviting various problems and difficulties. Life can be more happy and peaceful if we become disciplined and follow principles of this proverb.Conclusion: By properly understanding the meaning and principles of prevention, we can learn how to save ourselves from deadly and fatal diseases. Generally people know the definitions of making their lives healthier and happier. But they forget the key point of control, discipline and patience. Cure becomes the last step to get our body out of danger however sometimes we cannot get the normal health back in case of some serious diseases. Our doctors may save the life but cannot return the happiness in life. People, who already had suffered difficulties in life, well understand the value the prevention. But, it is better, if people understand its value before getting into any difficulty.

Essays On Human Rights

Human Rights Essay :1

Human rights are said to be universal rights that every person is entitled to regardless of his/her gender, caste, creed, religion, culture, social/ economic status or location. These are norms that depict certain standards of human behaviour and are protected by law.
Basic Human Rights:
Human rights have been divided into two broad categories. These are the civil and political rights, and the social rights that also include the economic and cultural rights.  Here is a detailed look at the basic human rights given to every individual.
Right to Life:
Every human being on earth has the right to live. Each individual has the right of not being killed by anyone and this right is protected by the law. However, this right is subject to issues such as death penalty, self defence, abortion, euthanasia and war.
Freedom of Speech:
Every human being has the right to speak freely and voice his opinions in public. However, this right comes with certain limitations such as obscenity, slur and crime provocation.
Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion:
Every state gives its citizens the right to think freely and form conscientious beliefs. An individual also has the right to follow any religion of his choice and change it as per his free will at any point in time.
Right to Fair Trial:
Under this right every individual has the right to fair trial by impartial court, right to be heard within reasonable time, right to counsel, right to public hearing and right to interpretation.
Freedom from Torture:
As per the international law, every individual has the right to freedom from torture. This has been prohibited since the mid 20th century.
Freedom of Movement:
This means that every individual has the right to travel, live, work or study in any part of the state he resides in.
Freedom from Slavery:
As per this right, slavery and slave trades are prohibited in every form. However, unfortunately these ill practices still go on illegally.
Violation of Human Rights:
While every human being is entitled to human rights, these rights are often violated. The violation of these rights occurs when actions by state ignore, deny or abuse these rights.
The United Nations committees are set up to keep a check on human rights abuses. Many national institutions, non-governmental organizations and governments also monitor these to ensure that individuals are not denied of their basic rights.
These organizations work towards spreading awareness about the human rights so that people are well informed about the rights they have. They also protest against inhumane practices. These protests have led to calls for action many a times and eventually improved the situation.
Human rights are the basic rights given to every individual. Known to be universal, these rights are guarded by the law.  However, unfortunately many a times these are violated by states, individuals or groups. It is almost inhuman to deprive a person of these basic rights. This is the reason why many organizations have been established to guard these rights.

Human Rights Essay :2

Human rights are a set of rights that are given to every human being regardless of his/her gender, caste, creed, religion, nation, location or economic status. These are said to be moral principles that illustrate certain standards of human behaviour. Protected by law, these rights are applicable everywhere and at every time.

Basic human rights include the right to life, right to fair trial, right to remedy by competent tribunal, right to liberty and personal security, right to own property, right to education, right of peaceful assembly and association, right to marriage and family, right to nationality and freedom to change it, freedom of speech, freedom from discrimination, freedom from slavery, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of movement, right of opinion and information, right to adequate living standard and freedom from interference with privacy, family, home and correspondence.

While these rights are protected by law, many of these are still violated by people for different reasons. Some of these rights are even violated by the state. The United Nations committees have been formed in order to ensure that every individual enjoys these basic rights. Governments of different countries and many non-government organizations have also been formed to monitor and protect these rights.

Human Rights Essay :3

Human rights are as old as human civilization; but their use and relevance have been well defined during the recent years. It has gathered more importance in the post-second-world war period, particularly after the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) in 1948.


There is no precise definition of Human Rights. The Oxford Power Dictionary (1993) defines human rights as the ‘basic freedom that all people should have’. The human rights ‘basically emerge out of human needs and capabilities. In a simple language, human rights are meant for human beings to satisfy their basic needs.

In a broader sense, the human rights are “those rights to which every man and woman inhabiting any part of the world should be deemed entitled by virtue of having been born a human being” (Kashyap). In other words, human rights are those rights which are essential for a dignified and a decent human living as well as human existence and adequate development of human personality.

Human rights are held by all human beings and human rights exist as long as human beings exist. Both are inalienable and cannot be separated. Precisely, human rights imply availability of “Such conditions which are essential for the fullest development and realization of the innate characteristics which nature has bestowed him/her with, as a human being”. They are essential to ensure the dignity of every person as a human being.

Man is gregarious and he loves staying together. Every human being, as a social being, lives in a group in the society. As an individual, he has a right to life and right to a decent living. As a social being, and an inseparable part of the society/community, he too has other rights, like: right to freedom of speech, expression, thought, belief and faith and right to move freely. Thus, human rights are essential for the development of the human personality in society, where he lives.

Human rights in general, may be of two types:

(a) Rights which are essential for the dignified and decent human existence, and

(b) Rights which are essential for adequate development of human personality.

Rights under the first category include right to fulfillment of basic human needs like food, shelter, clothing, health and sanitation, earning one’s live-hood and the like.

The second category of human rights comprises of right to freedom of speech and expression, cultural and educational, Every human being is entitled to human rights such as right to live and exist, right to freedom, freedom from exploitation, equality before law, to have adequate standard of living etc. The UN adopted Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Rights have their corresponding duties. Human rights presuppose a rule of law and equality. Violation of human rights is very common among totalitarian, theocratic, despotic states tec. Women, children and weaker sections f the society are often victims of discrimination and violation of human rights. Deaths in police custody, sex-apartheid, child-abuse, political killings are very common which have very much degraded the quality of human life. Violation and denial of human rights by states is very dangerous and often gives to revolutions. Violence against women is most pervasive. It needs to be tackled effectively. The massive violation of human rights throughout the world is a matter of great shame for the entire humanity.


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